Best Soy Candles – Are 100% Soy Candles Safe

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By Max Greenwood

Candles have been used for centuries to create ambiance, relaxation, and warmth in our homes. However, concerns have arisen about the safety of some candle types, particularly those made from paraffin wax. One alternative that has gained popularity is 100% soy candles.

In this blog post, we’ll delve into the safety aspects of various candle types and explore the healthiest options for your well-being.

Are 100% Soy Candles Safe?

Are 100% Soy Candles Safe?
Are 100% Soy Candles Safe?

Soy candles have gained attention as a safer alternative to traditional paraffin candles. Here’s why:

Natural Composition:

One of the primary reasons 100% soy candles are considered safe is due to their natural composition. These candles are made from soybean oil, a renewable resource. Unlike paraffin candles, which are derived from petroleum, soy candles do not release harmful chemicals like benzene and toluene when burned.

Cleaner Burn:

Soy candles burn more cleanly and emit fewer toxins than paraffin candles. This cleaner burn results in reduced indoor air pollution, making them a better choice for individuals with respiratory sensitivities.

Minimal Soot:

Soy candles produce minimal soot, which is the black residue often seen around the top of candle jars or on walls. This not only maintains the aesthetic appeal of your living space but also reduces the risk of respiratory irritation.

Non-Toxic Emissions:

When burned, soy candles release fewer volatile organic compounds (VOCs) compared to paraffin candles. VOCs can contribute to indoor air pollution and potential health issues.

Renewable and Biodegradable:

Soybean oil is a renewable resource, making 100% soy candles a more environmentally friendly option. Additionally, these candles are biodegradable, which reduces their impact on the planet.

Top 5 Safety Tips for Using 100% Soy Candles:

Best Soy Candles - Are 100% Soy Candles Safe
Best Soy Candles – Are 100% Soy Candles Safe

1: Choose Quality Products:

Opt for reputable brands that clearly label their candles as “100% soy.” This ensures that you are getting a genuine soy candle without potentially harmful additives.

2: Trim the Wick:

Before lighting the candle, trim the wick to about ΒΌ inch. This prevents the flame from becoming too large, which can lead to excessive heat and soot production.

3: Burn in Short Intervals:

To prevent overheating and ensure an even burn, light your 100% soy candle for 1-2 hours at a time. This helps maintain the integrity of the candle and extends its lifespan.

4: Avoid Drafts:

Place your candle in a draft-free area. Drafts can cause uneven burning, increased soot, and a shorter burn time.

5: Use a Proper Candle Holder:

Ensure that the candle is placed in a stable and heat-resistant holder. This prevents accidents and protects surfaces from heat damage.

However, it’s important to note that not all soy candles are created equal. Some manufacturers may blend soy with other waxes or additives. To ensure you’re purchasing a 100% soy candle, check the label and product information.

Which Candles are Safe for Your Health?

Beyond soy candles, several other candle types can be safe for your health:

Beeswax Candles:

These candles are created from the wax produced by bees. They burn cleanly, emit a natural honey scent, and can even help purify the air due to their negative ion production.

Coconut Wax Candles:

Coconut wax is another eco-friendly option. Candles made from this wax burn slowly, emit minimal soot, and have a natural, subtle aroma.

Palm Wax Candles:

Derived from palm oil, palm wax candles are biodegradable and renewable. They have a unique crystal-like appearance and burn cleanly.

What are the Healthiest Candles to Burn?

The healthiest candles to burn are those made from natural waxes, such as 100% soy, beeswax, coconut wax, and palm wax. These options are:

Free from Toxins:

Natural waxes lack the harmful chemicals present in paraffin candles, which can release carcinogens and allergens into the air when burned.

Cleaner Air Quality:

Candles made from these waxes emit fewer pollutants and particles, leading to improved indoor air quality and reduced risk of respiratory issues.

Environmentally Friendly:

Natural waxes are biodegradable and come from sustainable sources, making them more environmentally friendly than paraffin.

What Type of Candle Wax is Safest?

The safest candle wax types for both your health and the environment are:


Known for its natural air-purifying properties, beeswax is a safe and sustainable option.

Soy Wax:

As mentioned earlier, 100% soy wax candles are safe due to their natural composition and cleaner burn.

Coconut Wax:

Coconut wax is a renewable resource that produces minimal soot and pollutants when burned.


Q1: Are all soy candles free from toxins?

Not necessarily. Always look for candles labeled as “100% soy” to ensure they’re free from additives and chemicals.

Q2: Do soy candles emit any fragrance?

Some soy candles are scented using natural essential oils, providing a subtle and pleasant aroma when burned.

Q3: Are paraffin candles really harmful?

Paraffin candles can release harmful chemicals like benzene and toluene when burned, potentially impacting indoor air quality and health.

Q4: Are there any eco-friendly options besides soy candles?

Yes, beeswax, coconut wax, and palm wax candles are also eco-friendly choices that offer various benefits.

Q5: Do natural wax candles last longer?

Generally, yes. Natural wax candles tend to burn slower, providing a longer lifespan compared to paraffin candles.


In conclusion, when it comes to candle safety and health, opting for candles made from natural waxes like 100% soy, beeswax, coconut wax, and palm wax is a wise choice. These candles offer a cleaner burn, better indoor air quality, and reduced environmental impact, ensuring you can enjoy the cozy ambiance without compromising your well-being.

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