Fast and Effective Remedies: Healing a Burnt Tongue

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By Max Greenwood

We’ve all experienced the discomfort of burning our tongue while indulging in hot food or beverages. A burnt tongue can be painful and irritating, making it difficult to enjoy your meals. However, there’s no need to suffer for long, as there are several fast and effective home remedies that can help soothe and heal a burnt tongue.

In this blog, we will explore five home remedies that work wonders in relieving the discomfort and promoting quick healing. Additionally, we’ll delve into ten more effective remedies to expedite the healing process. So, let’s dive in and discover what to do when you burn your tongue.

What to Do When You Burn Your Tongue

1. Cool Water Rinse:

As soon as you burn your tongue, the first thing you should do is rinse it with cool water. Hold cool water in your mouth for a few seconds before spitting it out. This helps in cooling down the burnt area and provides immediate relief from the burning sensation.

2. Aloe Vera Gel:

Aloe Vera is well-known for its soothing properties, and it can work wonders in healing a burnt tongue. Apply a small amount of pure aloe vera gel directly on the affected area. The gel will provide a cooling sensation and promote quick healing.

3. Honey:

Honey is a natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent, making it an excellent remedy for a burnt tongue. Apply a thin layer of honey on the affected area to alleviate pain and support faster healing.

4. Cold Milk:

Milk contains proteins that can help neutralize the burning sensation and promote healing. Sip on cold milk or hold it in your mouth for a while before spitting it out.

5. Mint Leaves:

Fresh mint leaves can provide a cooling effect and help relieve the pain caused by a burnt tongue. Chew on some mint leaves to get relief from discomfort.

10 Effective Home Remedies to Heal a Burnt Tongue Fast

Having a burnt tongue can be quite uncomfortable, but fortunately, there are several home remedies that can help speed up the healing process and alleviate the pain. Keep in mind that these remedies are for minor burns; if you have a severe burn or experience persistent pain, it’s essential to seek medical attention. Here are ten effective home remedies for healing a burnt tongue.

1:Cold Water or Ice Chips:

Sip cold water or let ice chips melt on your tongue to soothe the burning sensation and reduce inflammation.

2:Milk or Yogurt:

The cool temperature and soothing properties of dairy can help ease the pain. Take small sips of cold milk or consume plain yogurt.


Honey has natural antibacterial properties and can aid in healing the burnt area. Dab a small amount of honey on your tongue.

4:Aloe Vera Gel:

Aloe Vera has soothing and anti-inflammatory properties. Apply fresh aloe vera gel to your burnt tongue.

5:Cold Foods:

Eat cold, soft foods like popsicles, ice cream, or chilled applesauce to provide relief and avoid further irritation.

6:Saltwater Rinse:

Gargle with a solution of warm water and a pinch of salt to promote healing and prevent infection.

7:Coconut Oil:

Applying coconut oil to the burnt area can help reduce discomfort and speed up the healing process.

8:Cucumber Slices:

Placing cucumber slices on your tongue can provide a cooling effect and reduce pain.

9:Marshmallow Root:

Marshmallow root has mucilage that can soothe the burn. Steep it in hot water, let it cool, and then use it as a mouth rinse.

10:Turmeric Paste:

Make a paste using turmeric powder and water and apply it to the burnt area. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties.

How to Use These Remedies:

  • After burning your tongue, start by rinsing your mouth with cool water to cool down the affected area.
  • Once the area is cool, apply a small amount of aloe vera gel or honey directly on the burnt tongue.
  • You can also chew on some fresh mint leaves or hold cold milk in your mouth for further relief.
  • Repeat these remedies multiple times a day until the pain and discomfort subside.

Additional Tips for Healing a Burnt Tongue:

1.Avoid consuming hot or spicy foods until your tongue has fully healed to prevent further irritation.

2.Stick to soft and cool foods, like yogurt or ice cream, that won’t aggravate the burn.

3.Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and support the healing process.

4.Avoid acidic foods and drinks, as they can further irritate the burnt area.

Remember, while these home remedies are effective, severe burns or burns that do not show signs of improvement should be evaluated by a healthcare professional. With proper care and these simple home remedies, you’ll be on your way to a healed and pain-free tongue in no time.


1. How long does it take for a burnt tongue to heal?
The healing time for a burnt tongue varies depending on the severity of the burn. Generally, mild burns can heal within a few days, while more severe burns may take up to a week or more.

2. Should I pop the blisters that form on my burnt tongue?
No, it’s essential not to pop any blisters that may form on your burnt tongue. Popping blisters can increase the risk of infection and slow down the healing process. Allow the blisters to heal naturally.

3. Can I eat spicy or hot foods while my tongue is healing?
It’s best to avoid spicy or hot foods while your tongue is healing to prevent further irritation. Stick to soft, cool foods that won’t aggravate the burnt area.

4. When should I seek medical attention for a burnt tongue?
If your burnt tongue is accompanied by severe pain, swelling, excessive redness, or if the burn doesn’t show signs of improvement after a week, it’s advisable to seek medical attention.


A burnt tongue can be an uncomfortable experience, but the good news is that healing can be swift and effective with the right remedies. From cooling agents like water and milk to soothing substances like aloe vera and honey, nature offers a variety of remedies to alleviate pain and promote quick healing. Additionally, simple ingredients like salt, coconut oil, and turmeric can work wonders in speeding up the recovery process. Remember to be gentle with your mouth while it heals and avoid anything that might further aggravate the burn. With the help of these home remedies and a little patience, you’ll find relief and be back to enjoying your favorite foods in no time.

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