Person Solving Rubik’s Cube Quickly with Skill

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By Isabella Ferguson

The Rubik’s Cube, a classic 3D combination puzzle, has captivated millions around the world since its invention in 1974 by Erne Rubik, a Hungarian architect and professor of architecture. The cube’s colorful and perplexing nature has challenged minds of all ages, giving rise to a community of speedcubers who strive to solve it as quickly as possible.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the art of speedcubing, learn essential techniques, and provide valuable tips to help you solve the Rubik’s Cube in record time.

Solve Rubik’s Cube Fast

Solve Rubik's Cube Fast ExploreMatic .Com
Solve Rubik’s Cube Fast ExploreMatic .Com
  • How to Solve a Rubik’s Cube, Step by Step
  • Solve the Rubik’s Cube Faster with Shortcuts
  • How to Get Faster in Rubik’s Cube [Beginners to Pro]

How to Solve a Rubik’s Cube, Step by Step

The Rubik’s Cube is a classic and challenging puzzle that has entertained millions of people around the world for decades. With its colorful and twisting design, solving the Rubik’s Cube may seem like an impossible task at first. However, with the right approach and a bit of practice, anyone can master the art of solving this iconic puzzle. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll take you through the process of solving a Rubik’s Cube from start to finish.

Features of a Rubik’s Cube

Size and Shape: The standard Rubik’s Cube consists of a 3x3x3 grid with three layers with three blocks on each side. The cube’s dimensions are typically around 5.7 cm (2.25 inches) on each side.

Colorful Stickers: Each face of the cube is covered with stickers of six different colors: white, yellow, blue, green, red, and orange. The colors are arranged in a specific pattern on a solved cube.

Rotating Mechanism: The cube’s internal mechanism allows each face to rotate independently. This twisting feature is what makes the puzzle challenging and interesting to solve.

Durable Build: Rubik’s Cubes are usually made from tough plastic materials, ensuring that the cube can withstand countless twists and turns during the solving process.


Materials: High-quality plastic, generally ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) plastic for the cube’s body and PVC for the stickers.

Weight: The standard 3x3x3 Rubik’s Cube weighs approximately 95 to 120 grams, depending on the brand and materials used.

Mechanism: Most Rubik’s Cubes utilize a combination of an internal core mechanism with springs and screws, allowing smooth and controlled rotations.

Difficulty Level: Solving a Rubik’s Cube can vary in difficulty depending on one’s familiarity with the cube and solving methods. Beginners may find it challenging, but with practice, it becomes more manageable.

Step-by-Step Guide to Solve a Rubik’s Cube

Understand the Cube’s Structure: Familiarize yourself with the cube’s layers and the colors on each face. The center square on each face represents the color of that face.

Step 2: Choose a Solving Method: There are various solving methods, but the beginner-friendly and widely-used one is the Layer-by-Layer method. It involves solving one layer at a time.

Start with the White Cross: Begin solving the white face by forming a white cross on the first layer. Align the edge pieces with the center’s corresponding colors.

Complete the First Layer: After the white cross, solve the corners of the white layer.

Second Layer: Turn the cube upside down and solve the second layer by positioning the edge pieces correctly.

Yellow Cross on the Top Layer: Once the first two layers are complete, focus on solving the yellow cross on the top layer.

Orient Yellow Corners: Turn the top layer to position the yellow corners correctly.

Position Yellow Corners: Adjust the yellow corners’ positions to complete the top layer.

Final Layer: Solve the final layer by orienting and positioning the last layer’s corners and edges.

Finishing Touches: Make any necessary adjustments to complete the Rubik’s Cube solve.

Solve the Rubik’s Cube Faster with Shortcuts

The Rubik’s Cube has been a classic puzzle and a favorite pastime for many, but solving it quickly can be quite challenging. If you’ve ever been amazed by speedcubers who can solve the cube in seconds, you might be wondering how they do it. The secret lies in utilizing clever algorithms and shortcuts to solve the cube more efficiently. In this blog post, we’ll explore some essential features, specifications, and techniques that will help you solve the Rubik’s Cube faster than ever before.

Features and Specifications of the Rubik’s Cube

Size and Structure: The traditional Rubik’s Cube is a 3x3x3 cube, consisting of six faces of different colors (red, blue, green, yellow, orange, and white). Each face contains nine smaller squares called “stickers.”

Smooth Mechanism: A crucial factor in solving the Rubik’s Cube quickly is the cube’s mechanical design. Look for a cube with a smooth rotation mechanism to allow seamless turning of each face.

Sticker Quality: High-quality stickers are essential, as they should not peel off easily and should provide a good grip for faster movements.

Durability: Choose a cube made of durable materials to withstand frequent usage and prevent wear and tear.

Variants: While the standard 3x3x3 cube is the most popular, you can also find cubes of different sizes and shapes, such as 2x2x2, 4x4x4, and even more challenging ones like the 17x17x17.

Techniques for Faster Solving

Layer-by-Layer Method: The most common technique used by speedcubers is the layer-by-layer method. It involves solving the cube one layer at a time, starting with the first layer, then the second, and finally the last layer.

Cross and F2L: The first two layers (F2L) method is an advanced technique where you create the cross on one face and simultaneously pair up corner-edge pairs to solve the first two layers efficiently.

Intuitive vs. Algorithms: Speedcubers often learn intuitive techniques for certain steps rather than relying on memorizing lengthy algorithms for every scenario. This allows for faster and smoother solving.

Look-Ahead: Skilled cubers train themselves to “look ahead” while solving. This means planning the next moves during the current step to minimize pauses and increase overall speed.

Finger Tricks: Mastering finger tricks allows for quicker and more precise rotations of the cube’s faces. Practice efficient finger movements to enhance your solving speed.

How to Get Faster in Rubik’s Cube [Beginners to Pro]

The Rubik’s Cube, a mesmerizing 3D puzzle, has captured the imaginations of millions worldwide since its invention in 1974. While solving it may seem daunting at first, with practice and dedication, anyone can learn to solve it faster and become a Rubik’s Cube master. In this comprehensive guide, we will take you from a beginner’s level to a pro solver, providing essential techniques, practice tips, and even advanced methods to enhance your speed and efficiency.

Understanding the Cube

Rubik’s Cube Basics: Learn about the structure of the cube, notation system, and the six faces of different colors. Familiarize yourself with the terminology used in solving the cube.

Cube Notation: Understand the notation used to describe cube moves. This knowledge will be crucial as you progress to more advanced solving techniques.

Beginner’s Method

Layer by Layer (LBL): Master the beginner’s layer-by-layer solving method. This method is relatively simple and serves as an excellent starting point for newcomers to the Rubik’s Cube.

Cross and F2L: Dive deeper into the first two layers (F2L) of the Rubik’s Cube. Learn how to efficiently solve the cross and pair up corner-edge pieces.

Solving the Last Layer: Conquer the final layer using intuitive algorithms to orient and permute the last layer pieces.

Intermediate Method

Fredrich Method (CFOP): Upgrade your solving technique to the CFOP method, widely used by speedcubers worldwide. Understand the four key steps: Cross, F2L, OLL, and PLL.

Cross and F2L Efficiency: Optimize your cross and F2L techniques to reduce solve times and increase fluidity.

OLL and PLL Algorithms: Learn a set of algorithms for the Orientation of the Last Layer (OLL) and the Permutation of the Last Layer (PLL).

Advanced Tips and Tricks

Look Ahead Technique: Discover the importance of “look ahead” – anticipating the next moves while solving the current step. This skill separates average solvers from the fastest.

Finger Tricks: Improve your finger dexterity and speed with essential finger tricks for executing algorithms more efficiently.

Practice Routines: Explore various practice routines to enhance muscle memory and improve your overall solving abilities.

Pro Level Methods

Roux Method: Explore the Roux method, an alternative approach to CFOP, favored by some speedcubers for its efficiency and fewer algorithms.

ZZ Method: Learn about the ZZ method, another advanced technique that focuses on solving the last layer before the first two layers.


How long does it take to solve a Rubik’s Cube?

The time taken to solve a Rubik’s Cube varies greatly, but skilled speedcubers can solve it in under 10 seconds!

Is solving a Rubik’s Cube all about memorization?

While memorizing algorithms is essential, speedcubing also involves pattern recognition, spatial awareness, and intuitive problem-solving.

Can I use any Rubik’s Cube to speedcube?

To speedcube efficiently, invest in a high-quality speedcube with smooth movements and adjustable tensions.

How can I improve my finger dexterity for faster solves?

Practicing finger tricks regularly, doing finger exercises, and using a cube with proper lubrication will improve your finger dexterity.

Are there any tips for reducing solve times?

Focus on look-ahead, practice regularly, and learn more efficient algorithms for quicker solves.

Can I participate in speedcubing competitions?

Yes, speedcubing competitions are held worldwide, allowing cubes of all skill levels to participate and showcase their talents.


Speedcubing is not just a hobby; it’s a sport that demands dedication, practice, and problem-solving skills. As you delve deeper into the world of speedcubing, remember that consistent practice and a passion for challenges will propel you towards faster solve times. Embrace the excitement of the Rubik’s Cube, and let the journey of mastering this iconic puzzle enrich your life with problem-solving prowess and an ever-expanding global community of fellow cubers. Happy cubing!

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